Letter of thanks from Jesús Alonso for the success of the first edition of 3HMA

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for making this contest a reality. Many companies, jury members and participants at yesterday’s event expressed their gratitude to me for the high level of participants, as well as for the prize-giving of this first edition of the Three Headed Monkey Awards. Therefore, I want to thank the participants from the 32 projects and congratulate the winners and everyone who, in one way or another, have been a part of this project. For the future professionals in the industry, I hope this contest has offered them the visibility of the talent, which they deserve and that it is can be a useful motivation for the creation of new studios and to find a professional path in our industry. We hope that next year we are able to repeat or increase this success. In this website you will be able to stay in touch with news on this contest, as well as the many different public activities relating to the UOC Masters’ in Videogame Design and Creation that we organize every year.

I say goodbye and hope that you enjoy activities like these and that they can contribute in some way to your professional projection.

All the best,

Jesús Alonso

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