Positive response for the 3HMA contest

In the first weeks since the Three Headed Monkey Awards contest was launched for amateur profiles in the field of videogames, many alumni of the program as well as professionals have shown an interest in the specificities of this contest and have decided to participate.

One of the questions asked most by persons interested in participating refers to the limitation with regards to the development of the product. The organizing team of the contest would like to clarify that the project may be developed for any platform, operative system, programming language and technology. You have total freedom to create your videogame! Anyone wishing to participate has until the 13th of February to present their projects.

Repercussion in the media

The positive response to the program is not only limited to future participants; it has also been noticed by several national media such as Expansión or digital media specializing in videogames such as VideoShock, Meristation or HobbyNews, who have all made a reference to this pioneering contest which will give out 6,000 Euros in prizes for its three categories: Prize for Best Videogame, UPC Prize and Public award Prize.

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